Monday, April 4, 2011

Bumper cars

The French are a confusing people-this much is certain. I’m sure they’d probably say the same thing about Americans, but now that I’m actually getting to know real French people, I’m learning a few interesting things from them. Sometimes I come away from a conversation feeling enlightened. Sometimes, not so much. 

I’ve mentioned it before, but the driving situation is terrifying. I don’t think I have it in me to ever even try it around here, not that I have a car anyway. They weave all over the road, obeying no laws. Green lights mean “go” and when the light turns red around here that means “gun it before the pedestrians make it into the crosswalk!” I’m telling you, I spend half my life here perched with one foot in a crosswalk and the other on the sidewalk, calculating the odds that I can make it across the street without becoming roadkill.

And parking…yikes! It’s really difficult to come by around here. I’ve seen countless drivers actually play a rather aggressive round of bumper cars to fit into a parallel parking spot. I mentioned this to a French guy the other day at my Each one, teach one event and he said “Yes of course. How else can you fit? That is why we have bampers” (bumpers).

Well, when you put it that way, I suppose it doesn’t sound quite so unreasonable. I could almost get behind that mentality...almost. But then he proceeded to tell me that since 99.9% of cars around here are manual, it’s customary to not use the E-brake. This makes it easier for other cars to bump yours out of the way. I asked what happens when you’re on a hill and he responded “It’s ok. No problem…”

Take it from me; not using your E-brake on a hill when you drive a manual is a problem. It is a HUGE problem. 

Here are more pictures from the Chagall museum: 

He had a thing for clowns.

Ceramic tile- Chagall was Jewish. Most of his
work has a religious theme.

If you look closely you'll notice a bird somewhere
in almost all of his paintings.

See a bird?

He was really fascinated by the circus.

Moses scores the commandments!


  1. Indeed! I recommend ALWAYS using the e-brake when parked on an incline. Less possibility of inadvertent property damage. Right Kendall? LoL

  2. P.S. I really like this artist!
