Thursday, April 7, 2011

Local social butterfly?

I’m starting to feel like a local around here!

There are a few reasons for this. First, I pretty much know my way around now. I know that Nice is not that big, but trust me…my sense of direction is nonexistent. This older couple stopped me and asked me for directions the other day, and I actually responded with a real set of directions rather than a blank stare (my typical go-to move when someone asks me where something is).

The other great thing about this is that the entire conversation was in French. It wasn’t a really long or detailed debate, but for me this was a big deal because I was actually able to get my point across via words rather than wild gestures and some franglish thrown in for flavor. I hope that this also means I don’t stick out as a tourist. Someone actually looked at me and thought “Hey, she looks like she would know.”

I look like I would know!!!!

Today is when it truly hit me though. On my walk home from school I ran into two people I know. I nearly smacked into the first one. I was off in my head and listening to my ipod and saw someone waving out of the corner of my eye. Assuming he was waving at someone else, I didn’t really pay attention until he stuck his hand in my face and I looked up and realized I was standing eyeball to belly button with my 15-foot tall German friend, Claas. We talked a bit and parted ways. A few minutes later I recognized another guy from the Erasmus group. He stopped me and we did the French kissy cheek thing, which is becoming sufficiently less awkward. At first I never knew which cheek to go for first- left or right? I guess it’s not really the same way every time, but I can just go with it now and it’s been weeks since I’ve come precariously close to actually kissing someone on accident.

I am so French! 

Kendall- January 2011

Kendall- February 2011
Getting better...

Kendall- Full transition... too cool to actually be in the picture.
Taking pictures of yourself in beautiful places is for tourists.

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