A couple days ago I got an awesome care package in the mail from my aunt, Brenda. She’s always been a great gift giver, but she really outdid herself this time. She even went on the wild hunt for the elusive frosted animal cookies, which are the best. I wasn’t expecting it at all, and it was a pretty big box stuffed with all of the things I miss from home, including:
a big mug
a picture of us
post-it notes
good pens
phase 10 (card game)
a flat sheet for the bed!!!!
honey buns
Cadbury caramel filled chocolate easter eggs
salmon flavored tartar control cat treats (I’m trying to ration those out and not eat them all in one sitting-gotta make them last til June!...I hope it’s abundantly clear that I’m joking here.)
I’m already making use of some of the stuff. Fortunately for my host family, I’m being generous with my sweets. For those of you who know me better, don’t expect the same treatment! I shared the Cadbury eggs and they were going crazy. They couldn’t stop talking about them. Those and the Reeses cups are definitely the winning candies for the French.
As for the post its, I’ve already got several hot pink sticky reminders strategically planted around my room (all written with my sweet new papermate gelpens, of course!). This is excellent news, because now I can stop stealing post its from the Erasmus language exchange meetings. Let’s face it…that’s the only real reason I show up every Thursday night.
Finally, Plume the cat is getting chubbier by the day. She loves the salmon treats and it seems that we’ve created an even bigger monster. She seems to think she deserves a treat approximately every 2 minutes, and persistently pesters you until you cave.
But really though...who can say no to this? |
Thank you, Brenda!
I'm so glad you got the package! I wish I had been able to track down the animal cookies,but I fear that your host family may not have been the recipients of your generosity where those are concerned.lol Enjoy the goodies! I miss you and wish you good luck with your classes!