I’m not sure why, but for some reason all of the sudden I’m speaking French like never before. Of course I make tons of mistakes still, but over the past few days I’ve started yammering away with minimal effort, which is a huge change (and potentially not as great for my host family as it is for me). Ok, not minimal effort, but definitely much easier than before. Up until a week ago, every time I wanted to say something I would attempt to carefully construct it all in my head. This took some concentration, so often by the time I was ready to spit it out, the thing I had wanted to say would be irrelevant or awkward, like a « quip » that’s 5 minutes late…which is a « slope » (Shallow Hal, anyone?).
I wonder if it has something to do with going to Italy for the weekend. It was funny because ever since I’ve been here and have had to speak French I always think to myself “I hope they speak English, just in case…”
But when I was in Italy it’s like my default language changed. I’ve always been so jealous of people who could effortlessly switch back and forth between languages. This weekend was the first time I’ve ever actually been one of those people. Like I said, tons of mistakes still, but it's really getting easier and I think my confidence is building, which is a huge help. Daniela, the Italian girl that came with us, doesn’t really speak English, so the default “group language” for the weekend ended up being French. But when it was just me talking to one of the other Maryland students, we spoke English. Then of course Italian being thrown into the mix was really interesting. The 4 of us spent the entire weekend speaking a weird mix of French, English, and a bit of random Italian.
I understood quite a bit of what I heard, but really don’t remember Italian well enough to converse. So I found myself saying “I hope they speak French…” And for the most part, they did. It was amazing to realize that despite feeling completely incompetent sometimes, I know French well enough to do pretty much anything I want or need to do. Deep down I guess I’ve known this all along, but it took going to Italy to realize I really can speak French. Go figure, right?
More Italy pics-
We had to change trains at the border crossing into Italy. Despite having tickets, there were no seats available. Oh, Italy! |
Eventually the train cleared out. Kathleen and me. |
Daniela and Paymon |
Castle! Right in the middle of a piazza. I love it. |
Torino at night |
Gorgeous church. The inside is just as beautiful. |
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