Thursday, March 24, 2011

What in "tartare"nation?!?

Yesterday I went to a restaurant called The Hippopotamus Grill.  It’s a French place that my host mom keeps recommending to me. She goes there all the time with her friends, and even though it’s a chain, she swears it’s fantastic…and how could it not be, with a name like that? I had high hopes for the hippo.

Fortunately, I was not disappointed. The place was great. The staff was really friendly, there were lots of options, and the prices were very reasonable. The Hippo’s specialty is red meat, so I decided that it was a good time to try a steak tartare. I’ve wanted one for a while, but was waiting for the right opportunity. They’re always either way too expensive or from a random little restaurant where I’m just not quite willing to risk it.  So I ordered the tartare, and out it came in all of its totally raw ground beef glory, complete with a raw egg on the side to pour over it.

I was fine with the beef; it was the egg that was really giving me the creeps, jiggling around in a little dish on the plate. But I decided that if I was going to have the full “steak tartare experience,” I needed to do it right. So I dumped the egg on the beef and surprisingly, it made absolutely no difference to me, flavor-wise. I wonder what the point of the egg is? I assume it’s a texture thing.

Anyway, it was quite tasty. Stop turning your nose up (I know you are!) and give it a chance! You could tell that the beef was really high quality and fresh. They also give you a dipping sauce on the side that was a little bit horseradish-y. The only downside to the meal was that it sat pretty heavy in the belly for a while.

Great experience, and I have not keeled over or contracted a dreadful parasite from eating a hunk of raw beef (yet...).  


  1. I would totally try it. One benefit to cooking meat is that it's easier for your stomach to digest it, so that's probably why it sits so heavy.

  2. Careful, it's the raw egg that'll get you!
