Saturday, March 19, 2011

Now that's what I call a cankle!

I didn’t post again last night-I’m a failure! But I think I have a pretty good excuse, again…I was supposed to go dancing.

I realize that “supposed to go dancing” isn’t actually an excuse for shirking my blogging duties. I’m a terrible dancer and wasn’t particularly looking forward to it. But I haven’t done much with the other Maryland kids lately and I miss hanging out with them, so I decided it was time. They’ve invited me to go dancing several times and I’ve always backed out. For good reason-trust me. No one wants to see me electric sliding around the dance floor, and that’s pretty much the extent of my skills. Oh, also the Macarena, which is equally as cool as the electric slide. I was probably doing them a favor by sparing them from the humiliation of being associated with me.  Anyway, since “Candy Club" is supposedly pretty dead before midnight, we went to our friend Amaia’s place. She lives in a hostel and it’s a fun place to hang out. Walking back to town from there was a straight steep downhill.  It was really dark and the road was uneven. I’m not exactly sure what happened, but somehow I ended up misstepping. I didn’t fall, but I did sprain my ankle. It hurt, but didn’t seem too terrible last night. I threw a bag of frozen peas on it and figured they would work their magic the way that only frozen peas can, and my ankle would be fine in the morning.


Today it looks horrible and doesn’t feel so great either. I suppose the peas, the laptop and I will be staying in bed. At least it will be productive.

Apparently I’ll do anything to get out of dancing.

Here is where I will subject you to disturbing images of Plume with my mangled ankle.


  1. YIKES! Poor Plume! HaHa. No, seriously...I hope it feels better after a day or two of rest and frozen pea therepy! That will teach you to even consider dancing in public. Get better soon.

  2. Oh, and on a more serious note... I see disturbing signs of the beginning of that most hideous of all inherited deformities....HAMMER TOE!

  3. LOL Brenda-I'm afraid of that as well, but I'm telling myself that it just looks that way now because my foot is gimpy and sprained. Time will tell...
